Choose Garantme for Simplified Rentals

No accommodation, no guarantor? No problem! Garantme acts as your guarantor and supports you in your housing search.

Why Garantme

A solution that suits everyone

Whether you're an agency, a landlord, or a tenant, we have insurance solutions tailored to your needs.

Key Figures

150 cities

Across France, wherever our partners are located.

70 000

Certified tenants in GLI and Caution.

5 000


How it works

Landlords' Preferred Guarantor

Our guarantee places your file at the top of the stack of submitted files, maximizing your chances of getting the home of your dreams.
Garantme provides the guarantees expected by your landlord and agency. 



I submit my supporting documents to build my rental file through Garantme to obtain a guarantor.

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I can start my housing search as soon as my file is certified.



I find my accommodation thanks to Garantme's support.



I activate my Garantme Guarantee with my landlord to cover my rental throughout the lease.



I sign the lease and can move into my new accommodation.


How much does it cost?

Group 680

Garantme Guarantee


Total fees

270 € per year

22.5 € per month

Fees per tenant

270 € per year

22.5 € per month

Cost of Your Security Deposit

What you need to know

Shared accommodations

Most lease agreements require one guarantor per tenant. Each tenant can use Garantme, and the price will decrease gradually.

Payment timing

Our goal: to help you find accommodation. Therefore, payment is made only at the time of signing the lease agreement. No upfront fees.


To reassure the landlord, the Garantme Guarantee is renewed every year. So, you need to renew your Garant Guarantee unless the landlord relieves you from this commitment.

Payment methods

Secure online payment by credit card or transfer.

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Need a guarantor?

  • A joint and indivisible guarantee for shared rentals.
  • A subscription without constraints for the landlord.
  • A responsive service 7 days a week.


They talk about us


Easily expand your agency

With the Garantme Console, centralise all your operations to effectively manage your applications and insurance products.


Discover the first free guarantee for landlords

The deposit is the tenant's responsibility. Garantme certifies rental files within 24 hours and manages unpaid procedures. Our guarantee is provided by the strongest and leading real estate insurance companies and is recommended by over 5,000 real estate professionals.

They found their apartment through Garantme

Want to know more about Garantme?

With the Garantme Console, you can centralize all your operations to efficiently manage your files and insurance products.
